A higher degree of Animal-assisted Therapy

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The Comprehensive Animal-assisted Therapy: Specialized Course for Administrators & Non-Certified Teams program is designed to accomplish three major goals:

First, we are providing this training to help schools, healthcare and other groups that use AAT in their facilities. Most agencies that have AAT included in their operations have little or no knowledge of what to actually expect from the teams. This is a concern as most AAT teams have no education in AAT, plus no training in infection control, privacy issues (HIPAA) or working in critical care situations. Every facility needs at least one member of the staff that is aware of what to expect and screen for before AAT becomes a liability.

Second, for AAT teams that are with the Delta Society, Therapy Dogs International, and others, you are not certified in AAT, only registered. Certified means you have been trained and tested to a higher level. This program offers you the opportunity to become certified as an AAT Specialist. You still maintain your registration with your current group, but you will have the additional training to make you a better and safer AAT provider.

Third, this is also excellent training for RN's, PT's, OT's and Speech, as AAT is used in ever-extending areas. It is the intent of this program to seek CEU's in the near future for healthcare and other professionals.

The course consists of two sections:

The first section is a version of what is taught by DOGTORS during the 8-week course. The original version provides actual team training and testing, and the successful teams graduate as certified AAT providers. Though this gives you the basics, it is a higher level than most groups provide. There is a 50-question test (multiple choice/T-F) at the end of this section that you will complete.

Section two is more specific in key areas, allowing you to build on the information from section one. This section focuses more in-depth in areas crucial to all involved, and allows you to learn policy writing for a facility, screening practices, testing elements and other facets in providing a safe environment fo AAT. Testing for this section is open-book as well, but involves scenarios that require more thought and manual research.

  • The course fee is $125* (see Cat Application page for group rates and options) Other less comprehensive programs range in cost from $450 to $1,300.
  • There is no repeating of training once you successfully complete the course.
  • Your certification has no expiration.
  • There are no additional fees or costs! Period!
  • Updates, changes and safety notifications will always be available for free.

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